[heading_title_subtitle title=”Latest News Carousel” subtitle=”Masonry Columns ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque venenatis ac sem ut facilisis” title_color=”dark_title” subtitle_color=”dark_subtitle”]
Failed Silicon Valley Bank, the Newsoms and Connected Friends
The Silicon Valley Bank failure and shutdown is because of “idiot bank management under an incompetent board,” according to Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary. “O’Leary joined Fox News hosts Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino on Tuesday to discuss the Silicon Valley Bank failure and the announcement that deposits would be protected,” Mediaite reported. “President Joe Biden announced this week that people’s ‘deposits […]
California’s Alarming Cocktail Of Criminal Justice Reforms – Many Backed Or Led By Gavin Newsom – Are Responsible For Major Crime Wave In California
The house that Californians built and Democrats remodeled is on fire
After Newsom Shut Down Businesses, His Government Is Unable to Answer Calls About COVID Unemployment Claims Or Respond To Consumer Inquires
Trying to get through to the state’s unemployment agency call center remains a grueling, frustrating chore for many people — yet the Employment Development Department has been warned time and again that the system badly needed fixing. “Despite knowing for years that it had problems with call center performance, EDD has not yet adopted best […]
Today California Has Half Of America’s Unhoused
Homelessness continues to grow in California: nationally, California has topped the list for the state with the largest homeless population for more than a decade. As of 2022, 30% of all people in the United States experiencing homelessness resided in California, including half of all unsheltered people (115,491 in California; 233,832 in the US). Every […]
Though Newsom Couldn’t Help Consumers With Legitimate Unemployment Claims, His Government Paid Over $30 Billion In Fraudulent Claims To Criminals
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — As much as $31 billion in California unemployment funds have been paid out to scammers, California EDD admits. ABC7 News’ 7 On Your Side has been tracking the numerous fraudulent claims that have been plaguing the EDD and on Monday afternoon, it confirmed that even more money than previously reported has been paid out […]
[heading_title_subtitle title=”Three Columns Blog Carousel” subtitle=”Masonry Columns ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque venenatis ac sem ut facilisis” title_color=”dark_title” subtitle_color=”dark_subtitle”]
Failed Silicon Valley Bank, the Newsoms and Connected Friends
The Silicon Valley Bank failure and shutdown is because of “idiot bank management under an incompetent board,” according to Shark Tank star Kevin O’Leary. “O’Leary joined Fox News hosts Bill Hemmer and Dana Perino on Tuesday to discuss the Silicon Valley Bank failure and the announcement that deposits would be protected,” Mediaite reported. “President Joe Biden announced this week that people’s ‘deposits […]
California’s Alarming Cocktail Of Criminal Justice Reforms – Many Backed Or Led By Gavin Newsom – Are Responsible For Major Crime Wave In California
The house that Californians built and Democrats remodeled is on fire
After Newsom Shut Down Businesses, His Government Is Unable to Answer Calls About COVID Unemployment Claims Or Respond To Consumer Inquires
Trying to get through to the state’s unemployment agency call center remains a grueling, frustrating chore for many people — yet the Employment Development Department has been warned time and again that the system badly needed fixing. “Despite knowing for years that it had problems with call center performance, EDD has not yet adopted best […]
Today California Has Half Of America’s Unhoused
Homelessness continues to grow in California: nationally, California has topped the list for the state with the largest homeless population for more than a decade. As of 2022, 30% of all people in the United States experiencing homelessness resided in California, including half of all unsheltered people (115,491 in California; 233,832 in the US). Every […]
Though Newsom Couldn’t Help Consumers With Legitimate Unemployment Claims, His Government Paid Over $30 Billion In Fraudulent Claims To Criminals
SAN FRANCISCO (KGO) — As much as $31 billion in California unemployment funds have been paid out to scammers, California EDD admits. ABC7 News’ 7 On Your Side has been tracking the numerous fraudulent claims that have been plaguing the EDD and on Monday afternoon, it confirmed that even more money than previously reported has been paid out […]